'Auf fremdem Boden' is the summary and analysis of a three-month experience; in the beginning, the idea was to shoot a documentary about the Centro Español in Nuremberg and its visitors. This approach developed into a personal challenge, which got marked by difficulties and communication obstacles, in which I finally came up with basic ethical and moral questions. 'Auf fremdem Boden' is a literary reflection from a personal experience reported on video. Like a fragment of life.
Auf fremdem Boden / En tierra extraña, HDV, 16:9, color, stereo, 5:00 min
This film was produced within the framework of Give me Five! festival. 15.04 - 17.04.2011. Kulturwerkstatt auf AEG in Nürnberg, with a project called 8^n Leben in Muggenhof, directed and supervised by Heike Baranowsky and Ursula Rogg.