Laia Ventayol and Cristina Moreno García propose a performative group activity, in the form of reading, meditation and ceremony in an urban garden in Montjuïc, where La Font Trobada is located, also known as La Font de la Magnèsia due to its high content of salts of this mineral.
The first mention of the fountain appears in El Calaix del Sastre written by Baró de Maldà in 1778, a personal diary considered a precedent of costumbrismo or local journalistic practice.
During the activity, the perspective of the plants, their leaves, petals and roots is incorporated, through a guided meditation on the contemplation of a river, to finish with the preparation of an elixir with a mixture of the collected plants and the medicinal waters of the Font Trobada. The intention of this collective experience is to connect our bodies and minds to the most basic elements and properties that shape us and provide us with life.
This activity took place within the frame of the exhibition "Uns altres temps / Other times" at The Green Parrot, Barcelona in 2021.
Listen here to the guided meditation.
Photos: Ana Clara Piet, Ray Virmond