‘NY remains in my head: 1992-2012’, is a twenty eight minutes film of homemade video footage from a holiday trip that my parents did in Summer of 1992.
In December 2011, I went to NY and followed the traces of my seven year-old-memories.
As voiceover, my mother’s thoughts mixed with my own.
The hut, made in collaboration with Terhi Tuomi, as ripped shelter that interlaces memories.
‘NY remains in my head: 1992-2012’, installation view, wooden hause from recycled materials, photo: Sylvie Weisshäupl: /// Offen Auf AEG, Nürnberg, 2012
‘NY remains in my head: 1992-2012’, installation view, VHS converted to digital, 16:9, colour, stereo sound, 28:26 min, wooden hause from recycled materials, photo: Sylvie Weisshäupl: /// Offen Auf AEG, Nürnberg, 2012
‘NY remains in my head: 1992-2012’, projection view, VHS converted to digital, 16:9, colour, stereo sound, 28:26 min, wooden hause from recycled materials, photo: Sylvie Weisshäupl: /// Offen Auf AEG, Nürnberg, 2012
‘NY remains in my head: 1992-2012’, installation view, VHS converted to digital, 16:9, colour, stereo sound, 28:26 min, wooden hause from recycled materials, photo: Nils Petersen: /// Offen Auf AEG, Nürnberg, 2012